Deleted Cities

Poster Design

Poster series for an exhibition that celebrates the websites from GeoCities, a web building platform popular in the early 90s to late 2000s. The platform was a place where users could express their passions through website building and connect with others who shared the same interests, in a time before the internet was dominated by commercialism. Unfortunately, the platform has since been bought, sold, and deleted, resulting in the loss of thousands of websites.

On the floating shipless oceans / I did all my best to smile / Till your singing eyes and fingers / Drew me loving to your isle / And you sang, "Sail to me / Sail to me; let me enfold you / Here I am, here I am / Waiting to hold you" / Did I dream you dreamed about me? / Were you here when I was full-sail? / Now my foolish boat is leaning / Broken lovelorn on your rocks / For you sing, "Touch me not / Touch me not; come back tomorrow / Oh, my heart—oh, my heart / Shies from the sorrow" / I’m as puzzled as a newborn child / I’m as riddled as the tide / Should I stand amid the breakers / Or should I lie with death, my bride? / Hear me sing, "Swim to me / Swim to me; let me enfold you / Here I am, here I am / Waiting to hold you"